Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Giveamanakick - Brittle Bones

Cranberries guitarist Noel Hogan has been championing many of Limerick's up and coming artists for a while now. Courtesy of Gohan Records he has curated a CD comprising of a sample of many of these artists. There are some great tracks by some very underrated artists on it such as Drumming Room, Headgear, Arkitekt and the Brad Pitt Light Orchestra.

The stand-out track comes from Giveamanakick who are probably the most popular act to come out of the "Limrock" scene in recent times. Their track Brittle Bones is a stonker. Downtempo beginnings are trounced by absolutely ferocious riffage. Like any good piece of art it always makes you want more...much much more.

Giveamanakick - Brittle Bones


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