Friday, November 7, 2008

MTV EMA 2008....last night

Sweet merciful lord what was last nights EMAs(on in Liverpool) all about.

Firstly Katy Perry was disgracefully hollow with her weak presenting consisting of childish sexual innuendos.

Secondly there were moments where it felt like some major propaganda rally (dare I compare it to the Nuremburg Rallys of the Hitler era) for Barack Obama. Every presenter or artist paid homage to him at any given chance. I am not trying to be pessimistic about his victory, and indeed Americas-but last night was overkill to the highest order.

It was as if the whole show was supposed to emulate the notion that the US isnt a jokeshop in the eyes of the world thanks to Obama's win. Is MTV really a propaganda mechanism to sway the thoughts of teenagers/young adults in Europe to love America again?

The winners of some of the awards were highly undeserving and the titles MTV gives to awards now is to say the least puke. Tokio Hotel being nominated(not to mind winning an award-which they did) demeans art.

Bono-what were you thinking claiming the Beatles belong to Dublin and other self-rightous padding he gave to his introduction to Paul McCartney was cringe-tastic

Once again Kanye redeemed the show with a stellar perfrormance. MTV owe him

There were many instances throughout the MTV EMAs 2008 where I felt let down by life and society-I really did. It was truly awful stuff-shame on you MTV

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